I miss sitting with my ex-partner.;D posted by The bakery platform

hey!finally back 2 blogging after so many of shihwei's post,LOL.nice.& i seriously miss HK aft doing that fk cl project.changing cl class tmr which is kinda a gd ting 4 me cuz staying in class with my current position SUCKS!ALOT!okay,chionging sc homework nw and i don't even know how 2 do a god damm qn,fk!bad.thr's still maths,el & lit reasearch & cover(which i'm intending nt 2 do).& i HATE my english teacher.oh,whatever.
I hate esss alot,fk god!I prefer ccss.teehee;D
I miss sitting with my ex-partner.aww~
I love my 1yr 2mths;D
okay,see,i actually miss sitting with my ex-partner,which is kinda nice.i seriously miss the times sitting with him & realise hw great he is after changing partner.he's someone who teaches me whatever thing,frm wrong to correct,who helps me all times when it comes to qn ans-ing,nice.I owe him alot manx.someone with a damm gd humour sense,laughing at evry moment of the day.& nw,what i've got is someone who is totally opposite,i guess,hw great.bt shihwei kept praising him.omg!sitting with someone who talks to everybody around him excepts you,wtf.& puleez,i don't like sitting with you oso de.i didn't had the choice.see,u don't like sitting with me,i don't like sitting with you,thn wad's the point of sitting tgt,oh,fk god!i wna change with sammy~*envious*.& i seriously can't imagine sitting with someone like this for another day,its damm damm bored!bored! n i seriously hate it.argh!& when it cums to wk,hu's thr to teach me n show me ans,hu's thr to help me?him,impossible!or shouting across to ask joanne 4 ans?LOL.& when it cums to other thing,hu's thr to tell jokes,hu's thr to make the day more interesting,hu's thr 2 tell u abt lifestorys,hu's thr 2 ask u qn,hu's thr to laugh wen you have hipcups?him?impossible!having hipcups when siting beside a person lyk my current partner is the wrost thing of all.so i pray that i won't have hipcups when sitting with him.haix,muz it be like this.