Stars out there:) posted by The bakery platform

BORED!Didn't went out the entire week.wad a perfect life i have.
slept at 4am+,thnx to weekai,i guess.woke up at 1pm+.fix lunch myself,fried rice,nice.teehee;DD.Sleep>Eat>Sleep,thats wad i do everyday lor.FAT!bt i like.muahhaha.Weird.I like to cook,random.
I like looking at de STARS out thr in de sky,a million stars above.I wish upon a shooting star.♥♥♥
Life's ain't perfect,treasure it.
Tags Replies:)
Jocelin: Heeeey Sheryl! Hohohoo found your blog~ Love your new hairstyle! Hah so cuteee!
Weekai: 1st to tag after blogskin changes
R:.......anw,mine nicer hor,teehee;D
samantha:D: helloo:] tagged.
ShiHwei: Saw (:
R:hahas;D,nice hor,blehs~
Romeo: Hello. Nice blogg. =D Cheers.