fml. posted by The bakery platform

why does happiness only last for that few moments.
expected, how fgosh today's gonna be, and it is.
firstly, my phone died on me. fml
secondly, breaking news.
thirdly, changed seat.
lastly, i lost my chance.
& please ask my maths teacher to just stuff shit in his mouth. forgoodnesssake
we can no longer blabber nonsense whenever we want
Now, i just hope to disapear from school every second.
i feel like smashing my phone, i need what i want.
seriously, fml.
.Feat Lomodreamer posted by The bakery platform
it feels like winter, so cold butt nice.
where it comes once a year,that only last 30days
i start hating school, which i never liked before.
its like a maze that you revolve 'round for 365days
which means ---
books are heavy, they shun't be invented.
Sakae for lunch, start of month treats..
Totally fell in ♥ with this coat @Topshop.
pllus, i want a Lomodreamer
what's for school tomorrow? a omfgosh.. day
i'm loving my life after 2pm, but i wish i could sleep all day longg
can't wait for Sep3 :)
goodnites, enjoy your sleep
its bad & its good posted by The bakery platform

Poopeepss!terrible shitz day @RepublicPoly.
i swear tothemaxz that such courses is not my type (*esp with them)
Butt Rp is good, comfortable lecture rooms with chairs that lead me to sleep,heh:)
mood is like,--- then Omfgosh then 100%sleepy.
a minute, makes up my life,thankyou
School tomorrow,
2periods of geog - my eyes are gonna be like magnets!
So yeahhh,goodluck,allthebest..whatever
[ohh..i'm gonna train for kartrider rush?!]*smiles*
TaDDa posted by The bakery platform
booshh!busy weekend,so decided to get a rest at home.
RepublicPoly tomorrow,damm course.fml
i ♥ my weekend, i ♥ the world