i still~ posted by The bakery platform

school sucks,i hope my studies still can make it.
tuesday presenting my indian~y part.^^
i hate my chinese teacher,he's just some bastard.
so bored,so busy.
i wanna buy some romance chinese novels.
i wanna bake♥ .i wanna cook♥
four consecutive days,fk bitch.
its hard,disgusting.but on the other hand,i kinda wanna see your face.
alamak,i feel so sad.D:
i wonder,i ask myself,i still.
saturday,sunday & monday
school's back.not looking forward to.
homework>projects>homework.never ending.
banana crumble for shihwei on sunday.♥
eclipse w/ Deah on monday & shopping,i hope.♥
i ♥ Ribeana
lovezxc,byes♥ ♥