lollies...oh....lollipopyss~ posted by The bakery platform

howey...!lollipopyss,my pimppy's hurting like some bloody ass.homeworks are giving me a big headache.extracted sony from my choices of cameras,left w/ two,its the finals manxD.made dinner,salmon fishcake^^.newlook's killing me!!!fk goshzxc,wonder if anybody else got killed just like trips must be done asap,like seriously!I feel like baking chocolate cake NOW!like NOW!okay,i must sleep early & wakeup early,i can't be late anymore,last chance for the term.ALARM CLOCK plssss ring louder!!:D.lastly,i'm broke w/ tons of wishes still unfufilled.
imma super uber greedy♥♥♥ posted by The bakery platform

camera or mixer?that's a really good qn.okay,imma damm greedy,so i've decided to get both^^,lovzxc♥♥.isn't that awesome,or is it more than's gonna get me kitchenAid's white classic mixer soon,i hope♥ and i'm gna get myself a fregging camera!woosh!cheers♥.but-da i've got limited budget,so yeah.i'm gna get it anywhr & at anytime,i hope agn♥
Orchad w/ Shihwei this afternoon,mosburger for lunch,riceburger!!♥.Ohyeah!got this really touching book from kinokuniya.sch shoes from newlook next.
(*the best thing abt newlook is that they let us try shoes on like nobody's buisness,loveszxc!♥)
anw,accessorize is having SALES,but they forgot to include my floral wallet in the sales,fk shitzz.what's this!?& lastly,I WANT DR.MARTENS PINK BOOTS!
*I love long escalator cause they allow me to seat down for a longer period of time w/o getting worried that my hands will get stuck or something.♥
Byeszxc readers:D
~smiles~ posted by The bakery platform

haizxc:D.peace.thr's nothing much to say, yeah,church in the morning w/ Shihwei.surprize-d her w/ home-made strawberry spongecake w/ cream,excellent,hehe^^.Tmall next,long john sliver's for lunch,went around checking out cameras,kinda make up my mind.home-d.Tmall agn,shopping♥ .Häagen-Dazs,caramel biscuit & cream,awesome!toastbox for dinner,lovezxc,all times favourite.
byes,goodnight peeps!
i still~ posted by The bakery platform

school sucks,i hope my studies still can make it.
tuesday presenting my indian~y part.^^
i hate my chinese teacher,he's just some bastard.
so bored,so busy.
i wanna buy some romance chinese novels.
i wanna bake♥ .i wanna cook♥
four consecutive days,fk bitch.
its hard,disgusting.but on the other hand,i kinda wanna see your face.
alamak,i feel so sad.D:
i wonder,i ask myself,i still.
saturday,sunday & monday
school's back.not looking forward to.
homework>projects>homework.never ending.
banana crumble for shihwei on sunday.♥
eclipse w/ Deah on monday & shopping,i hope.♥
i ♥ Ribeana
lovezxc,byes♥ ♥