Where the story starts ♥
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? posted by The bakery platform
![]() church w/ shihwei.lunch at KFC.train-ed to suntec.back.my tangtang is gna finish any min.wanted to save some for tutors to try,& see if novena's sweet or tangtang is nicer.but goshzxc,can't resist temptations.haven bought jerralyn's novena sweet.goshzxc,so many things un-done.choing-ing hwk. *I hate school. *I love M_____ bye..
_|_ posted by The bakery platform
slept at 5.30am.woke up.>>WS for dinner,cut hair.back.nothing much.the end.
* *I love him,M_____. *anw,u sure?don't make empty promises to her. byebye~ ![]() woke up.train-ed to vivo to get tangtang:D.agree w/ shihwei,mrt nowdays are so confusing.had a hard time finding for the mrt station lor.train-ed to orchad,taka.met shihwei&vivian.ate.bought shihwei's pencilcase...train-ed back to tampines.bus to tmart.home-d at 8. anw,got cheated $2 today AGN! *....i gave up.but not sure if i really can forget. *i don't tink i'll ever forgive,maybe 1day *that 1word can't cure anything. *hope you two can be tgt *i nid-a time alone. I CAN DO IT DE!JIAYOUS,SHERYL TAN!:D BYE!~
posted by The bakery platform
bored posted by The bakery platform
![]() train-ed to SGH,check-up.lols. tutors:D,yarh,i shld have throw my shoe at tat bastard,bt I so v.gentle,chey..no larh,lmao!:D *getting back bangs. *joanne praise keefe at her blog,lmao. *thinking of you makes me tear,ily... bye~
nothing posted by The bakery platform
![]() 14 march 2010; overslept-din't went for church.met Shihwei at tmall>KFC>train-ed to bugis.raining,cross the road,& some aunty sheltered Shihwei.not fair.bought Shihwei's bag,she have sponsor,chey:D,shop ppl are scary.saw Deah at bugis junction,had 3 J.CO donuts,yum ttm.Shihwei even gave the idea that the donut box could be my new pencil case,gd idea:DD.home-d at 7,squeeze through mrt. Got cheated $2 while walking home.this guy came asing me for $2,so I stupidly gave him,thinking that he would return back or change for 2 onedollar or something?In the end,he took my $2 and ran off.then I juz huh~,my $2~.fcuk!,how dumb can I be. 15 march 2010; met Deah for lunch-subway,veggieless.stroll-ed ard the entire Pasir Ris park finding for her friends.they were interesting,lols?esp the gay guy,find him kinda cute:D,musically talented too:DD.home-d at 7,laugh all the way.lolxxD 16 march 2010; woke up,rot all the way~,cycling with Deah in the evening.fun:).visit-ed the stable,horses so cute,perhaps horse riding next time.home-d at 8. 17 march 2010; -nothing- its 3.55am nw,random qns w/ Shihwei currently. *i like titanic&beach,lols?random *end of term,talking? *your really good,but.. *ily BYE!!,heartzxc:D
no ballsz posted by The bakery platform
![]() Heartzxc sitting with Joanne manx,way btr~.art was boring,Geog-joanne automatically sit with me,teehee:D.>MAC.new term coming,changing seats?ohgoshzxc:D.miss Gibson.will miss the quiet times w/ Sean if seats change:D.>bball court>EntreClub.laugh like helll,so funn-ehxD.love the sweet hors,MadeInCandy!!!!mango tmr.he tao-ed?home-d with Joanne at 5+,talks stuff.*shh~* *I think i perspire alot,huh. *Loves HIS hair ttm,ohmygoshzxc!!:DD *Hearing your voice agn was all *pretty much (negative)things to say abt him,lmao.fun ttm. *F9 for maths!-23.aiyos * http://www.madeincandy.com/ !!
muahzxc posted by The bakery platform
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERRALYN! ♥ schooled,dnt,heartzxc my star.sry yunli for your cresent.music,funxD ttm.cl,rubbish.el,took 1hr+ just to justify 1qn,joke manx.then reflection,she made write over&over agn,and the logic abt cow's stomach,lolx.finally done with it,but she say not much difference,but still got difference rite,so wtv.thaitomyum + mangojuice for lunch,shihwei's one too.enjoyed loneliness at bball court with shihwei,muahhaxD.homed at 5+ with joanne.pizza&fruzenyoguz for dinner,loves:D *learning Cantonese from Joanne&Vivian,cool huh.:D *Heartzxc Joanne for the TOBLERONE&CurryPuff:D *silence means whad?I guess we all knew the ans from the start even if you don't say.I juz wna hear the truth from you but not from anyone else,is that so hard,wtv.I gave up,bye~