Where the story starts ♥
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dammfkgod:D posted by The bakery platform
![]() school-ed,did shortputt for PE.& there was a CAT!CAT!CAT!,scary manx!ate pizza in chinese,nice ttm.SFL,boring,did PW.lalala~SEAN SNATCH MY TOILET PASS!!!urgh!dammz!no further elaboration.stay-ed till 3,hlep joanne with english& she owes me 2bbt,muahaha:D.keefe treat bbt,thanks keefe.stole one of keefe's detention slip,teehee:D.joanne sent me to bus-stp,thanks joanne,love you:D.met Deah,had 18chef,yums ttmc!had a mega scoop of ice-cream,Deah was so fkgod jealous:)home-d at 5+.ParkWayParade.home-d at 10. byes~
can I?♥ posted by The bakery platform
*Were you refering to the PAST or the PRESENT,huh?its over,huh?wadever(as if).haix~FML? BYEs~
:D,heartzc posted by The bakery platform
21 febuary 2010; church-ed with shihwei.met mum at tmall opp.medi&pedi,mum's treat. done abt 5.cab to mum's friend hse,ate.the curry vegetabe is nice ttmc.ate lyk hugh bowl(s).lolxD.home-d at 8+.WS>home-d. 22 febuary 2010; school-ed,pass history test-7/12:D.box-y pencilcase tio stolen(literally).tmart,10th chop=free.bus-ed+walk to eunice hse.ate,did pw.home-d with sammy at 4+.slept frm 6-11pm,best slp ever manx.dinner,shower&here i am. byes,nights:D~
CLARINET08,heartzc:D.haixx~ posted by The bakery platform
19 febuary 2010; school-ed,ate.maths hwk with jerralyntutor:D,SOStutor went to Malaysia.throw bks into the class and noth of my bks fell,damm it!ask weekai treat bbt,rich guy liao:D.keefe's hair so nice to touch,lolx!shihwei&vivian went to art room n do waxing..>down to canteen,sec1s,teach them abit the clarinet than played with cenli's clarinet,funx ttmc.they so talented wors:).still can blow,still can blow,hiphiphorray:DD.home-d at 5+. 20 febuary 2010; had yongtaufoo for lunch.train to somerset with mom.shop,pretty sad,only bought 1 dress.mayb getting box-y pencil case tmr?trian to T3,meet sis,dinner>home sweet home~ *Does saying sorry even helps,FML SOStutor's BACK:DDD,like finally,Lolxx:D byebye~
![]() HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! HAPPY VALENTINES!♥ to all singles out there:D singles,who love being it.♥♥♥ off to Malaysia at 4.30am bye~
heartshape:D posted by The bakery platform
![]() bye~
valentines~:D posted by The bakery platform
10.02.2010; EL,had to stand at the back of the class,lame.meet her outside staff-room aft sch,she wasted my 1hr+ thinking wad punishment shld i do.& in the end,she juz ask me improve on my english.she shld have said tat an hr b4 lor.then she say my english v.lousy.wadever?>entreClub,slack can.ate 1 chocolate,so nice can~.keefe treat me to bbt:D>home-d at 6+. 11.02.2010; school-ed,SFL,blk 365,up to 10floor than down to 4&3floor.expected evry doors to open,but in the end,only 1door open-ed & its a maid,so juz give her more fliers.LOL.then had to form the YOG sign,was at the G.wasted 1period standing under hot sun.then hse meeting,yellow sey~.chose shortputt with sammy,lalala~>homed,watched Valentine's Day with Deah,hmm...pretty nice,great for couples,huh.romantic enough,aww~happy ending,valentines mah.wna watch I Hate Valentines.>home-d at 7+. *& Gibson,i know how to pronnounciate alrd,kay~.baret~,LOL!:D *Bon Voyage,Jerralyn,miss me,miss you,lolx:D bye~
you FML_|_ posted by The bakery platform
school.eating cheese tofu on the way to music class&wedges for cl lesson.jerralyn steal away my last pink dolphin kay.lolxD.>BBT>KFC>bball court,hit by the ball.>thaiTomYam>hall,watch-ed performance,saw Joanne,tehee:).stole Keefe away frm her gp:D.>Home-d,slept for 4hrs.ar~,haven do the batik drawing.so whad if i'm plump,you have no rights to judge me.you promised?as if.lets see how long does the fate stays. you pajiao? bye~
NCC!LolxD posted by The bakery platform
school,late agn.got grammer test back,as expected,FAILED!12.5/30,perfect hor.history,project,heng!okay,no bitch.er..:D.aft sch,went to buy bbt,specially help keefe go sweettalk buy his strawberry+green apple milk tea,actually is shihwei go buy one,LOL,chey~.slack,ms cheong,talking abt bitches with vivian,LolxD.>Bugis,1hr bus ride,fell aslp for half an hr.you nvr wna imagine hw dumb i was in&out of bus,LOL!:).home-d at 10pm.I wna try NPCC one!lolxD BYE~
:D posted by The bakery platform
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERROLD! slut!:D Doraemon frying pan,so cute can.frying eggs with it soon.gna see the result,lolx:D.church-ed with Shihwei>aunt place.ate.ITE's thermometer is so cute can,playing with cousin's one the entire day,lol!>TampMall>homed.>WS,yay!I got another chop on my yogurt card,1more to go~. *okay,4get abt bitch,i'll make peace~TRY!all i wna say is,I wasn't the one who change-d,it was you. BYE~
whadever~? posted by The bakery platform
lalala~,my spine's x-ray sey,can see the curve,LOL.ran out of photos.so.....random picx.stop commenting.JunWei actually knw the correct term wor,*surprized*scoliosis kay.now i got 2maths tutor liao,J&J,LOL!two is better than one hor.i'm gna pass next maths test kay. woke up at 7.30,cabbed to Chao Chu Kang columbarium>bedok.lunch-ed-opposite kopitiam.>WS,frozen yogurt,yay!got 3more chops on my yogurt card.homed,slept till 5+,dinner at eighteenChef.>EachACup. *this school is retarded!fair conduct grade + pink form for V,wtf?shihwei&vivian,everything will be fine.& bastard shld shut tat fk up mouth of theirs. *Eh,if i'm a bitch,wad are you,a slut?or are you even deserve 2 be one.next time if you want say ppl bitch,say louder hor.& stop giving tat diao face luh,damm fking annoying leh.dun lyk me than say luh,dun nid 2 tell ppl one.FK! BYE~
love,GMH posted by The bakery platform
Yeah,yea!i miss my long hair,aww~.it'll grow back hor,faster grow.class,dun wna talk abt it,gave weekai the present n made him say ty lyk 4times,LOL.4got 2 take dnt sketchpad 2day,weekai promise 2 hlp me take tmr,lolx.drank forever love,hmm~not bad,i guess but jerralyn doesn't lyk yam taste.3+,went to EastPoint,met Deah,ate EighteenChef,FAB!NICE!the thickthick cheese,aww~LOL!but it cost me lyk $6.40.she went my hse n went home at 7+.history n grammer test tmr,BYE~
stars~:D posted by The bakery platform
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEKAI!:) be honoured,lalala~
i miss it,i bet its use,protect it,take care. |