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oh,fuck! posted by The bakery platform
![]() darn! FUCKED UP!! today,no mood oh,fk!a mistake,a BIG one,i learnt my lesson wor.lalala~,its fading,i can't recognise,i think its a gd thing.vivian's word make sense.ew~hate sweet-talks.keefe told my jokes,laugh-ed,happier,thnx keefe,teehee:).& i hope she nt pajiao,so gd luck lor.day-dreaming the entire day,played with windows during cl,love the wind.lolx;D.love cheese hotdog.IMY~,haixx.joanne lied 2 me,nvr do maths hw with me.anw,wasn't in the mood,doing tmr morning.went hm quite early,i guess.tea-valley-ed with Deah.flights of stairs makes me think through.99roses from deah 4 valentines,yay!makes me happy,but i douth her ability,LOL! I miss Hongkong's life~ finally,ended~ Am i dumb!?
:) posted by The bakery platform
![]() 26 January 2010; kiss tio Joanne,accident.kiss khelin,LOL!<3.had maths test,i'm 99% sure that i'm gna fail.3 out of 5 qn un-complete,5 out of 5 qn dk hw 2 do.eh bitch!u jealous i gt helmet is it,fk!aww~can u talk.watch the last hse on the left,fell aslp in between.slept at 1o.30pm,early. 27 January 2010; kiss vivian,aha!late for sch,lost once agn.sci practical,boring.cl,was talking crap 2 joanne the entire lesson,wanted her 2 sing 4 me,LOL!la~,science quiz tmr,i hope i can pass,haven revise.shld i?science test 8th Feb.join-ed entrepreneurship club,cookies~,yay!ate 2cheese hotdog,damm nice.heard jokes,laugh lyk hell.i wan more!stp ur vulgar sia. yay!black contacts! I miss playing the clarinet~
I miss sitting with my ex-partner.;D posted by The bakery platform
![]() hey!finally back 2 blogging after so many of shihwei's post,LOL.nice.& i seriously miss HK aft doing that fk cl project.changing cl class tmr which is kinda a gd ting 4 me cuz staying in class with my current position SUCKS!ALOT!okay,chionging sc homework nw and i don't even know how 2 do a god damm qn,fk!bad.thr's still maths,el & lit reasearch & cover(which i'm intending nt 2 do).& i HATE my english teacher.oh,whatever. Firstly; I hate esss alot,fk god!I prefer ccss.teehee;D Secondly; I miss sitting with my ex-partner.aww~ Thirtly; I love my 1yr 2mths;D okay,see,i actually miss sitting with my ex-partner,which is kinda nice.i seriously miss the times sitting with him & realise hw great he is after changing partner.he's someone who teaches me whatever thing,frm wrong to correct,who helps me all times when it comes to qn ans-ing,nice.I owe him alot manx.someone with a damm gd humour sense,laughing at evry moment of the day.& nw,what i've got is someone who is totally opposite,i guess,hw great.bt shihwei kept praising him.omg!sitting with someone who talks to everybody around him excepts you,wtf.& puleez,i don't like sitting with you oso de.i didn't had the choice.see,u don't like sitting with me,i don't like sitting with you,thn wad's the point of sitting tgt,oh,fk god!i wna change with sammy~*envious*.& i seriously can't imagine sitting with someone like this for another day,its damm damm bored!bored! n i seriously hate it.argh!& when it cums to wk,hu's thr to teach me n show me ans,hu's thr to help me?him,impossible!or shouting across to ask joanne 4 ans?LOL.& when it cums to other thing,hu's thr to tell jokes,hu's thr to make the day more interesting,hu's thr 2 tell u abt lifestorys,hu's thr 2 ask u qn,hu's thr to laugh wen you have hipcups?him?impossible!having hipcups when siting beside a person lyk my current partner is the wrost thing of all.so i pray that i won't have hipcups when sitting with him.haix,muz it be like this. love,;DD
- posted by The bakery platform
Hi. Should probably know who i am. Mon; Sheryl stayed back with me to chiong my essay. Then she received choco. She ate infront of me -.- Almost drool. Then ate noodles at the canteen tgt. Roughly like that. Cos forgot what happened. Tues; Sheryl slept in bus. Fortunately, she didn't miss the stop. Haha. Wed; Stayed back aft sch. Run here run thr, walk up walk dwn, shout then clap. Alot of nonsence. She called me on the way home, so that she won't fall aslp again on bus. :D Luvv her. :D
- posted by The bakery platform
RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Shihwei here, again. :x Sheryl...: -went church with me. -came my house awhile. -went t1 with my bro & I. Ate. -Bought her TANGTANG. -Bused home with my bro & I. :D Bye buttocks.
- posted by The bakery platform
Hi buttholes. Back. Hehe. Sheryl went for movie @ cineplex, i think. & Kelvin, she didn't go 201 there luh. Haha. Omg, from the previous post till now, i only found out: National Palace Museum has exhibitions. I still gotta find out: History of T, Shihlin Market, T hot springs, Penghu, La Zhang Jian, hiking @ Taroko Gorge etc. 1 day left for me to find out about all this = burn midnight oil = dark rings. (Faster come back help la -.-) Phoned with Vivian just now. LOL like don't know what about it. Haha. Fyi, I'm going unglam on Monday. :o Hmm, may go out with Vivian after sch. Or go home sleep. Depends (: & i'll talk less. Until i'm ok. Kkkkkkkkkk, back to homework (: & pray for me & Sheryl that our obvious pimple will vanish. :x Bye bud. Labels: Jiayou.
2010, posted by The bakery platform
HIIIIIIIIII, shihwei hereeee (: Know what? Sheryl wants to dieeeee! &, Her homework are not done yet. Actually my chinese also haven't finish -.- Rachel, KaiJie & Sean want to help, I think. Khelin couldn't help, cos too little time for her to help. Ernest butthole No!. Wellllllll, pray for us :D Currently texting with Sheryl & ShaoXiong junior. :D ShaoXiong say until his bro so smart & hardworking. Haha. Checking my sec1 books for Karyl ltr. (: Fyi, I can do anything i want here. Mwahaha. So, i'm doing quizzzz! Found it when i passed by J Aunty's bsist's blog. & I warn you. If you read the first three answers and felt -.-, don't continue reading and don't tag anything about it. Ok? Ok. :x -10 to go 1. Are you single? No, i'm attached to my butt. 2.Are you happy? Ya, when i kiss my butt. 3.Are you bored? Ya, when i'm not kissing my butt. 4.Are you fair? Fairer than my butt. That's for sure. 5.Are you indian? No. 6Are you stupid? 50-50. My butt is smarter. 7.Are you honest?: YA, ESP TO ERNEST. :x 8.Are you irish? Irish=? to me & my butt. 9.Are you nice? HAHA. 10.Are you asian? Ya. -Ten facts Full name: T.ShiHwei. Nickname: - Birthplace: Spore, born with butt. Hair colour: Chaoda. Eye colour: Chaoda. DOB: Aug. Mood: Horny, NOT. Favourite colour: (see my wallet & y'll know.) One place you wished to visit: Toilet & New Zealand. -Ten facts about your love. 1.Been in love?: Ya. 2.Believe in love in first sight? Ya. 3.Currently you have a crush? Maybe(?) 4.Hurt emotionally before? Maybe. But even so, my butt will share my sorrow. 5.Broken someone's heart? Am I that bad? 6.Have your heart broken? Maybe(?) 7.Like someone but kept in heart? HAHA. 8.Are you afraid of commitment? Maybe. 9.Last person you hugged: My butt, is not a person. 10.Last person you said ILY into his eyes : My butt, got no eyes. -This or That. Love or lust: Love la. Lust irks. Cats or dogs: None, for goodness' sake. Best friends or regular friends: Best. Example, Sheryl Vivian GuiLi JAunty & Butt. Creamy or crunchy: Crunchy. Pencil or pen: Pencil. Wild night out or romantic in: Depends, on my butt. Money or happiness: Both can? Night or day: Day. IM or phone: Phone. -Have you ever. Been caught sneaking out: Maybe(?) Seen a polar bear: Ya, on tv. Done something you regret: Ya, super regret. Eat food that is on the floor? No. Eat an entire: Meaning? Been caught naked: Ya, by my butt. Wanted bf/gf back?: Never. Cried because losing a person: Hmm, maybe(?) Wanted to disappear: For? Haha, maybe. -Preference of love. Smile or eyes: Both. light or dark hair: Errrrrrr. Hugs or kisses: Both. Shorter or taller: Taller! Intelligence or attraction: At least one of them. Violent or pathetic: Violent (pinching & carving butt with YinJia.) Older or younger: Older! Outgoing or quiet: Depends. Sweet or bad: Sweet. Performed in a large crowd? For? It reminds me of esmb, which... Talk on the phone longer than a hour: Maybe. Provided before 3+AM. Rock concert: Maybe. Cheerleading team: No way. It's retarded. But, maybe. -.- Dance team: Maybe, agogo dance. Sports team: Maybe. Drama play or production: None. But surely will have drama play. Owned rich cars: They owned them, I don't take their ride. In a rap video: Ya, provided he's a star. If not, no. Last thing you did: Typed 'If not, no.' Last call you made: Mum. Hugged: Butt. Hung out: Fam. Work: On the toiletbowl with my butt. Talked to: Oi, ask again? Movie: Orphan, with my butt. Last person or thing you miss: HEHE. Hmm, recreating my own blog after sch reopen. Anyone went taiwan before? TEXT ME. Ok, I know Gibson went before. Anymore? :D &&&&, speaking of Gibson. Happy 10th year! :D How fast. Have been looking forward to it last year. More years ahead! (: Okkk, done with this post. Will update for Sheryl next time. :x Bye. P/S: Ernest is a butthole. (he won't see it right? :x) |