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i love the world
i live the earth
JOB-Y!!!! posted by The bakery platform
 slept for 5hrs only,pathetic.wanton mee for breakfast at WS.bus-ed to ESSO,church-ed with Shihwei.walk-ed to 201>bus-ed to TampMall.Saw munho on de bus,LOL.Ate LongJohn agn,8packets of chilli,shihwei,muahahahaha.> CenturySquare> TampMall> MRT> Tamp1> TampMall> Interchange. Bus-ed to shihwei's hse.>>ate thr,thnx shihwei's mummy:).home-d at 9pm+. **Job need-ed badly,any jobs?pls reply in tagbox,tyvm.Byesss:) Tag replies:Weekai: im highly educated so i shall not argue anymore R:BULLSHITzz!! xinyi♡: HELLO ! baobeii.. got miss me bohh..?? haha. Just asking arr.. not being bhb arr..haha xinyi♡: btw TAGGED [: xinyi♡: stay pretty yeahh ?? must smile smile okay?? xinyi♡: anyway.. if you forget my chinese name liao hor. i must whack your butt liao hor.. R:hi!baobeixD.miss you,miss you!i whr will 4get ur name;full name de.teehee;D.sushi deal hor,free thn msg me.hehe:)
♥♥♥♥ posted by The bakery platform
I change-d my email. Ask me for it if you want;D & pls re-add tyvm♥ ,Bye
Stars out there:) posted by The bakery platform
 BORED!Didn't went out the entire week.wad a perfect life i have. slept at 4am+,thnx to weekai,i guess.woke up at 1pm+.fix lunch myself,fried rice,nice.teehee;DD.Sleep>Eat>Sleep,thats wad i do everyday lor.FAT!bt i like.muahhaha.Weird.I like to cook,random. I like looking at de STARS out thr in de sky,a million stars above.I wish upon a shooting star.♥♥♥ Life's ain't perfect,treasure it. Love,Bye. Tags Replies:) Jocelin: Heeeey Sheryl! Hohohoo found your blog~ Love your new hairstyle! Hah so cuteee! R:hellu;DD.hahas,thnx;D
Weekai: 1st to tag after blogskin changes R:.......anw,mine nicer hor,teehee;D
samantha:D: helloo:] tagged. R:hixx,thnx;D ShiHwei: Saw (: R:hahas;D,nice hor,blehs~ Romeo: Hello. Nice blogg. =D Cheers. R:hi~,woo..thnx;D
A million STARS above♥ posted by The bakery platform
 change-d blogskin :) "The happiest person on this Earth Planet are not those who live on their own terms but are those who change their terms for the ones whom they love" I like-y this sentence,meaningful. okay,Bye;D
ShiHwei here (: posted by The bakery platform
Hello . ShiHwei here . Posting for Sheryl . As you know , she's lazy . Haha , jk . And of course , she's tired aft fixing dinner . Cool right ? Oil splatted everywhere in her kitchen , as she said .
Wanted to jio her out today . But she was sleeping . She went shopping for groceries aft phoning with me . I bet she will be texting with me until midnight , as usual (:
Well , she wants me to say this : " I LOVE MAC SUPPER (: "
As both of us eat mac for supper . Mwahaha . & I love Sheryl (: Pray for her . A-type , Satio and $$ .
posted by The bakery platform
HAPPY BITHDAY VivianNgJL<3 stay cute&happy always;DD
See the effect[translucent];credits to ShiHwei. Will be out of S'pore frm 17th-21st Nov.so,don't bother to text/call me during these few days;Dhehe,love.miss me<3
posted by The bakery platform
hehehhe;D,khelin!my SiaoZharBor&twinss-y sister.Yay!we look alike hor.teehee;DD <3
posted by The bakery platform
see the difference?hehe;DD
posted by The bakery platform
 Before&After will be coming soon;D 13.11.2009; met shihwei at inter at 1pm.ate LongJohnSilver.watch-ed 2012 with Shihwei,Gibson,Keefe,Sean,Weekai&Junwei at TampGV.nice show.shld watch.&Keefe&Weekai still can go watch AstroBoy.wthe...lolx.walk round&round with shihwei.ate>library>tmall>home-d at 9pm+.
14.11.2009; went shopping with Sistar at MarinaSquare.she stole my money.okay,&i'm srsly broke.i need money.
Sumtimes,how i wish you were god.grant my 3wishes&nthing else.permission,money&fate is all i ever wanted.i dun expect much,1&ever A-type lover.;D
posted by The bakery platform
 Nothing to talk abt,i guess.so maybe won't be posting for de next few days.normal day.woke up,lunch.decided to bake shortbread cookies.er,okayokay.quite bland,butter taste.made dinner myself.........de end.i'm supreme BORED.& some day when i can find a gd pic,i'll post de before&after.hehe;D.okay.....i'm in need of money!money!$200 ain't enough.phew!i want Satio too,i noe i'm greedy,bt tats er....evrything,lolx.;DDlove,byes;D  
posted by The bakery platform
helloss;Dslept at 5am,was reading NightWorld .not bad,i guess.woke up,church-ed with ShiHwei.bus-ed to Tampines,meet Jerralyn thr.ate at FoodJunction.Went to I.Con to cut hair&its SHORT!SHORT!SHORT!oh,i miss my long hair.fcuk!bt neh-mind.train-ed to Simei,ShiHwei gt her pone to SonyEricsson.haixx.>home-d at 6pm+.I'm in need of moneey.haixx..StillCravingFor,SATIO!Maybe baking 2moro,if i'm bored. love,byes;D
posted by The bakery platform
 - woke up,bus-ed to Tamp
- Met shihwei
- layer-ed her hair
- lunch-ed
- chatt-ed
- cab-ed home,ohshit!wasted unnecessary money.I WANT SATIO!
meeting Deah&paikai 2moro,w8!&timmy,i like de name.thn gonna meet shihwei.i feel so bad ytd&will be more bad aft 2moro..haix..love me;sheryl<3sheryl.weird.oh yarh!maybe cutting short my hair,as in really short.so,miss my current hair bah.love Please don't love me,i don't wanna hurt you.
Is there forever love;relationship?I really wanna believe that there is.but its so hard.
posted by The bakery platform
02.11.2009;SUPER DUPER BORING DAY I HAD. blahsblahsblahs~Lunch-ed>tv till 4pm+>decided to bake ChocolateChipsCookie.It looks black or is it lyk suppose to be black,lolx-weird.Bake&bake till 7pm bah.De end of de first official day of school holidays. 03.11.2009;woken up by tat damm Paikai,dun wan let me sleep.weirdo.round&round.thn nvr brg Timmy cum let me see,BAD!went to Jeanis hse with him.bully me.jeanis wear couple tee with him,lolx,jk.LOL.walk-ed to WS,met Deah,Vanessa,Conrad&Noah.walk-ed to Coral,got tis little boy to hlp me buy milo,hahas,thnx boy.Went E!Hub with Jeanis&paikai.he bought expander,ew!digusting;6mm.can see de hole.had KFC for lunch,wanted sushi for lunch but didn't brought enough money,so had a sushi deal with Jeanis next time aft her competition,anw,GD-LUCK to her.paikai went home or maybe punggol?i dunno.thn rented bike n went cycling with Jeanis.luv it.cycle-d frm WS>ESSS>WS,total 2hrs,shld have burn some fats bah.hehe;D.wanted to ride with paikai with Timmy but all thnx 2 him,dun wan brg Timmy,fcuk!Went back to Jeanis hse,talk,home-d at ard 8pm.really miss those time we had tgt,how hard we laugh during bowlings&de memories we had for 2yrs.short timing>but evryday was so memorable.hearts.Timmy,its our 1yr aniversary,1 wanna see you again.Damm paikai,all his fault tat we couldn't meet.hahahs,&i still want SATIO!damm it.saving money,okay. Helping ShiHwei to layer her hair 2moro,i'm scared or maybe she's de one whoose suppose 2 be scared,lolx,gonna go train.anw,feel lyk cutting my hair really short.;D;byes ItsNothingButTheTruth<3
MyTrustTowardsYouHasNeverFadeTillToday,believe it or not. protecter of you
posted by The bakery platform
31.10.2009;woke up........cab-ed to Tampines MRT,met Jannine&her friend.Went to CC to get measurements done.thn bus-ed to WS &met Deah thr,saw Vanessa.had KFC for lunch.went over to Deah hse>>home-d at 2pm+.Phone-d with Timothy;its been ages since we talk.Maybe meeting him&Deah on Mon.I miss his bike,okay.he say i bhb,wtf,heng!he became damm horny lor,talk to me abt so many horny stuff,ew!Chao PAIKAI!lor,gt piercing thn still smoke,knn.Midnite movie with Sis,watch-ed my sister's keeper,great show;i guess?really touching.home-d ard 2am+. 
I WANT THIS FREAKING PHONE! SonyEricssonSatio 12.1MP 01.11.2009;fcuk!i srsly want&love tat phone,okay?so frm nw on,i'm gonna save enough money to buy it. Church-ed&lunch with Shihwei.ChickenRice + MangoRedTea.wander ard>playgrd>home.Really bored now,my room is in a total mess,random.i'm sleeping in de living room 2nite,random.Maybe visiting Coral 2moro with Deah&Timothy.>byes< I NEED TO SAVE MONEY I NEED TO SPEND MY MONEY WISELY I NEED TO SAVE MONEY I NEED TO SPEND MY MONEY WISLEY I NEED TO SAVE MONEY I NEED TO SPEND MY MONEY WISELY