posted by The bakery platform

3 important point to note 2day bah;1.
Everybody Deserves Everything
it includes you.2.
I'M SO FREAKING BORED!staying at home is boring.but its a torture to be in school.3.
I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY 2MORO!aft 10.15am,me does not have to see tat gay&black for at least 2mths,yipee!superz important thing tat you gottcha noe!;BLACKS ARE FREAKING ANNOYING,okay?
omg!i sound so racist lor,but no choice,he piss me off de.stupid fcuk ass black,i late ur problem is it?i got come alrd not bad hor,dun expect to much hor cuz i'm totally not willing to sacrifice my slp for you.i can't even believe tat i'm gonna go tmr & eat de lame shit breakfast with you,omg!,disgusted manx!n hor,is u ask me dun come one hor,still say so much wen i juz pon for 2days nia,oso not 2mths.yarh!my holiday start early,cannot is it,gt problem?jealous arh?&¬ gonna see you for 2mths is lyk de happiest thing tat ever happen to me,okay?getdit?
reach-ed school ard 7.30am,was late,but not very late mah.tio by tat freaking black,heng!watch movie for de first 2 period,*boring..*practically slept.had pe,play captain's ball,average,but really knock,bt gt armour,so hu cares?next was maths,super duper duper boring.same movie.zzz,Reccess>english;slack till 11.35am.lit>got back portfolio,gt lyk 15/25,not bad bah,lolx,i was expecting to fail de.
END SCHOOL....kopitiam;chicken rice+rose syrup;D,everybody seems moodless.throughout,almost totally quiet.>mac>backcourt>picnic>bbt>void deck>home-d.met Jerralyn,Sean&Keefe at blk 556 thr.but saw them opposite de road.they just play-ed finish belated b'day present frm sean,lolx,
thnx Sean.
home>slept 4 abt 1hr,dinner,TV, life's so boring.& i'm so freaking boring,i need some entertainment!play-ed UNO,Tic-Tac-Toe&checkers online with WeeKai,way to bored le.i'm still bored.hope 2moro faster end,still have 2 clean de class,ew!wad are cleaners for,manx!gonna go to Jerralyn's hse aft sch,Yay!