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with six 'L's in total.
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i love the world
i live the earth
posted by The bakery platform
I'M HAPPYcuz holidays are here,no gays&black.I'M BOREDcuz there's no entertainment.MY HEAD HURTS, spining&spinning,it really sucks!FUN DAY;woke up really late,but manage 2 reach sch&i'm not late,okay?so,he nthing to say,heng!>assembly,mrs Sng's leaving,gd or bad,no ideas,so hu cares?back to class,had de breakfast,eew!drank ice milo ONLY!thn spruce up-cleaning.Paiseh hor,WeeKai,4got to brg rag,sorry arh.had de self-intro thingy,its boring,waste time nia.&i slp in class,bt i dun daydream in class de,okay!w8-ing&w8-ing,9.50am.Yay!finally over. went to MAC with ShiHwei,Jerralyn&Nadhrah.slack till 10.30am,walk 2 shihwei's blk,stay-ed down with Jerralyn,shihwei's upstairs;getting stuff.>esso;bus-ed 12 to Jerralyn's hse.>EastPoint,bought flour.>>bake brownies,i just stand at de side cuz nvr wash hand with dettol&rmb,wadeva i bake won't taste nice.went down to swim ard 3pm till 4pm+.>bathe-d,sent Nadhrah to de bus-stp,went to watch them play bball with Shihwei.home-d at ard 6.30pm. >eating egg tarts .<3Brownies + EggTarts = makes me fat!neh-mind,more swimming,cycling&jogging trips will do.overall results;English-A2 Chinese-A1 Mathematics-B3 Science-C5 Geography-A1 History-A2 Literature-B3 Dnt-A2 Art-B3 HomeEconomics-B3 Civics&Moral Education-A *** ClassPosition;17/38 Total;687/1000 Percentage;68.7 I think i got improve bah,but by alittle little nia,bt hu cares?pass can liao,happy liaos.;D         pictures;D
ur de first&last thing on my mind.
posted by The bakery platform
 hello;readers! 3 important point to note 2day bah;1. Everybody Deserves Everything it includes you.2. I'M SO FREAKING BORED!staying at home is boring.but its a torture to be in school.3. I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY 2MORO!aft 10.15am,me does not have to see tat gay&black for at least 2mths,yipee!superz important thing tat you gottcha noe!;BLACKS ARE FREAKING ANNOYING,okay? omg!i sound so racist lor,but no choice,he piss me off de.stupid fcuk ass black,i late ur problem is it?i got come alrd not bad hor,dun expect to much hor cuz i'm totally not willing to sacrifice my slp for you.i can't even believe tat i'm gonna go tmr & eat de lame shit breakfast with you,omg!,disgusted manx!n hor,is u ask me dun come one hor,still say so much wen i juz pon for 2days nia,oso not 2mths.yarh!my holiday start early,cannot is it,gt problem?jealous arh?&¬ gonna see you for 2mths is lyk de happiest thing tat ever happen to me,okay?getdit? reach-ed school ard 7.30am,was late,but not very late mah.tio by tat freaking black,heng!watch movie for de first 2 period,*boring..*practically slept.had pe,play captain's ball,average,but really funneh.woo...gt knock,bt gt armour,so hu cares?next was maths,super duper duper boring.same movie.zzz,Reccess>english;slack till 11.35am.lit>got back portfolio,gt lyk 15/25,not bad bah,lolx,i was expecting to fail de. END SCHOOL....kopitiam;chicken rice+rose syrup;D,everybody seems moodless.throughout,almost totally quiet.>mac>backcourt>picnic>bbt>void deck>home-d.met Jerralyn,Sean&Keefe at blk 556 thr.but saw them opposite de road.they just play-ed finish catching.lolx.got belated b'day present frm sean,lolx, thnx Sean. home>slept 4 abt 1hr,dinner,TV,blahs....my life's so boring.& i'm so freaking boring,i need some entertainment!play-ed UNO,Tic-Tac-Toe&checkers online with WeeKai,way to bored le.i'm still bored.hope 2moro faster end,still have 2 clean de class,ew!wad are cleaners for,manx!gonna go to Jerralyn's hse aft sch,Yay! I HATE DE BAD&MOODLESS TIME,it sucks!
posted by The bakery platform
 the memories♥Khelin SiaoZharBor; CheerUp,be happy always. I guess its really time tat we start moving on bah,lyk wad u&Shihwei always say. Miss him;love him,past or present. Follow ur heart,do wad u really want&of course do wad tat ur happy with. Me really hopes to see de happy Khelin tat i used 2 noe. & de smile on ur face:) <3 school-ed,7.25am 7.30am-10.25am=watch movie&movie&more movie. 10.25am-11am;RECESS-ed.thnx Jerralyn for de mango flavoured,ICE-CREAM. 11am-12.10am,indoor sports hall. 12.10am........MAC with ShiHwei;Jerralyn;Vivian;GuiLi,Nadhrah&ManLing. [round&round we go] home-d at 3pm+ 4.30pm;WS-ed with Deah&Lance. home-d at 6pm+ [bored till now]JYJY!cheerUpManx!
PERHAPS!PERHAPS!perhaps!perhaps!;[it was de past] haixx..i srsly can't seems to get YOU outta my mind;GdLuckBah;D I ♥ Choo!Choo!Dumbo!08PoohBears!
posted by The bakery platform
stupid lame shit gay!
GavinBI'M SICK!SICK!SICK! [ see tat,u lame shit gay!I'm sick hor! ] stupid lame shit gay,ask tat stupid dumb ass qn.Do you noe ur not in sch,of course i noe larh!you tink i dumb ar.I'm answering de hse pone!FCUK!are you lyk mentally ratarded or sumthing,get a check-up man!I not in sch ur problem or sumthing is it,cum my hse drag me go sch larh,if u even have de guts.wad so ever larh!Gays dun exists in my life hor!&puleez,its 2days not 4days!you want MC ar,go give me money see doctor larh,thn i got MC can give u liao,fcuk off man!oops,not man,its gay!so fcuk off gay!u can choose 2 believe if i'm sick anot,but i won't give a single damm fcuking shit bout wad ur gonna say.We currently go to sch to do nothing but just sleep,we learnt nthing,so why do you even wanna force us 2 go to sch 2 waste our fcuking time manx!&pls note,eating breakfast wif u will just make me puke! I.HATE.SCHOOLI.HATE.EASTSPRINGSECI.HATE.GAYS
i hope tat evryone will pass their exams. whether its O'lvls or wad. I hope tat evryone will be happy&cheer up specially delicated 2 khelin siaozharbor&evryone whom is upset.
posted by The bakery platform
SherylTan is finally 13 !! [ Be happy for her ] morning;church-ed with Shihwei afternoon;cut hair blahs.....blehss... Thnx to all for de b'day wishes&de presents. TYVM;DDDDD*alphabetical orderAdrainTeo.Audi.Aunties.Asyiqin.CenLi.Charis.ChelseaR.DarrylTeng. Deah;DD.DesireeL.Eugenia. Eunice.Gibson;D.GuiLi;DD.Irfi.JeanisLee;DD.Jerralyn;DD.Jerrold;D.JinPing;D.Joanne;D.Joel.June;D. KahWei.Keefe;D.Kelvin.Khelin;DD.LynetteChia.LynetteLee;DD.ManLing;DD.MaryChow.MingJie. Nadhrah;DD.PoChun.Rammel.Samantha;D.Sean;D .Shalyn;D.Shihwei;DD.Shihwei'sMom;D. Syazana.Thomas.Vivian;DD.WeeKai;D.YunLi.ChongZhiHao. [sorry if i miss out ur name]
posted by The bakery platform
Woo..hoo....pon-ed sch 2day,slept till 11.30pm.Bake ChocolateOreoCheeseCupcakes 2day,taste kinda weird.chocolate cake part srsly taste extremly weird,cheese taste was lyk not strong enough,i guess.dun ever expect wad i bake 2 be nice,other thn baking in HomeEconomicsClass,i bake lyk wad once in half a yr.phew!that sucks!maybe making FriedOreo with sister 2moro. Gonna go back 2 sch 2moro&its gonna be de last day i'm gonna go sch,miss me ppl!&i'm so not gonna eat breakfast with de t'chers!FCUK!
Shihwei's gotta de mood le.cheers to her success!haixx.....me?up&down,!it sucks;it srsly sucks.wonder if its lyk forgetting in progressORmissing in progress.FCUK!
posted by The bakery platform
The happy times♥
thnx Shihwei,Khelin SiaoZharBor&Jerralyn aha!i tink okayokay le,Yay! haixx......... CheerUp everyone. Yeah!its time tat we all move on lyk wad u guys said.
School-ed,got back results.HENG!nvr fail any subjects.thn had tis hip-hop dance thingy,superz er,?,boring?Recess-ed,went up 2 de hall.It was damm damm boring,i practically fell asleep,okay?The entire day is damm!damm!damm! boring,so i decided 2 pon school 2moro,cheers!;D [I'VE PASS SCIENCE!Hoorray!♥]
English - B4 Maths - B3 Science - B4 Chinese - A1 History - A1 Geography - A1 Art - B4 DnT - A2
[I.Can'tSeemsToGetYouOuttaMyMind!]Fcuk! May that fcuk.ASS.bastard DUN drop to NA!
posted by The bakery platform
0%MOOD!0%MOOD!0%MOOD! Woke up at 10am+,totally couldn't sleep,haix......met Deah at Tampines MRT ard 11.30am.Ate Popeyes.Went Simei to get Dad's present,got him SexInTheCity Parfume.Went home,took $20 from sister,thn went to WS to get ingredients for cupcakes.er,making chocolate oreo cheese cupcakes,i guess.see bah,if i even have de mood to do and find my cottage cheese.Home-d at 4pm+.
This will be de FIRST & LAST time.I'm so not gonna let history repeat.I've felt so dumb,so dumb,lyk being cheated.FCUK!This time i was dumb enough 2 believe him.Everything that happen eventually broke my heart,from now on,i'm gonna protect it from getting hurt any longer.And now,de only thing tat can be done,is to 4get de past,4get de memories,4get HIM! I really hope 2 get you out of my mind as soon as possible.I mean it!Hongsters are meant 2 be forgetten.You are so not worth for me 2 shed a single tears on you. Biggest wish;nvr to see you,it makes me terrible.FORGET YOU! Biggest lesson learnt;nvr trust/lyk a guy whole heartedly,it makes you more terrible & hard to 4get him when he leaves.
you are de one&only guy i've ever like in my entire life but even when u leave u left an unforgetable scar in my heart its lyk a knife stabbing in2 my heart.
thnx Shihwei for cheering me up,yay! haix....still 0%mood.FML I hope all this didn't even start,why does he even exsist in my life. I feel lyk leaving w/o a single word,I dun wanna be here. I FEEL SO TERRIBLE!
posted by The bakery platform
18102009/Sunday;11.30am,church-ed with Shihwei. 1pm,bus-ed to Simei,met Jerralyn,Weekai,Sean&Keefe.They played bball.Home-d at 3pm+.Slept till 7pm. 19102009/Monday;
10.30am,jogging at de Park with Deah&her brother.Lunch-ed.Home-d at 12pm+.Cycling with Deah,Jannine&Lance on Wed evening.Out with Deah 2moro at 10am+,eat>shop for Dad's present.Yay!Officially 13 in 6days time,Dad's officially er,? in 6days time too,Yay! If we are drifting apart,
maybe we weren't meant for each other.
Things are fated,
there's really nothing tat we can do.
I don't noe wad u are thinking
maybe u change or did I?
The world has change
Things change.....
But i can only say tat
posted by The bakery platform
Art exam.....er,okayBah but its totally not a PromotionalPoster.W8-ed for Shihwei with Jerralyn.Bused 12 to WhiteSands,went to kopitiam,ate LemonChickenCuletRice.went off to get YOGURT at FruzenYoguz?Got FrenchVanila flavour.Shihwei,yogurt is nice hor,eat more!Jerralyn;lets have more yogurt outing manxx!Yay!Saw Deah,Jannine&June.Went to Mac&slack,saw Nadhrah.went off 2 de library&Jerralyn play-ed de lollipop machine,so cute manx!Thnx Jerralyn for de watermelon flavoured lollipop!aha!thn 2 de PasirRisTownPark,woo!hothot weather it was!walk 2 E!hub!,& really SORRY 2 those grass. BLEHS.....blehs...... went back to WS,round&round,saw MsCheong,er,............walk 2 interchange wif Nadhrah,went back 2 kopitiam,shihwei ate her noodles.Home-d at round 6.30pm... MeLoves SUBWAY veggie-less bread?lolx MeLoves FrozenYogurt WITH oreo! MeBets i'm gonna fail at least 2 papers MeWants more $$ MeWants to dye me hair[mummy,pls grant my wish!]
posted by The bakery platform
I NEED&WANT YOGURT NOW!!!no other comments will be said bout tat matter,i'm juz gonna keep it 2 myself. Jerralyn,me won't backstab u de,i'll nvr side thems de.Does crying deserve pity-ness,me want too.Be happy,dun get too fcuk up over de ppl,remember our yogurt outing on FRI. you wasted 8mths knowing sum1 hu lyk practically won't even wanna help you.neh-mind,it all does not matter liao.maybe 2mths weren't enough eventhough its lyk 2mths + 8mths VS 2mths,but it dun matter to ppl,so bother 4 wad.all i can say is tat i'll nvr regret aniting. nothing's left 2 be treasured
posted by The bakery platform
 Its just so hard(L) Nothing can ever change de fact as it is,so as nothing can change wad u've done.u wasn't wrong,but things could no longer be de same due to different opinions.we'r different ppl,face it.I love how things use 2 be,de time,de memories but things change.i knew tat,i knew tat all these would change but i din expect it 2 happen tat fast.Its just too hard 4 me to stay,leave!we din change,but de fact and actions had change us.u din help A,u said bout her,i know its not ur fault,but it oso wasn't her fault,she knew she was wrong.one time doesn't mean she'll be sentence 2 death or something.u dun even give a damm,u won't even want to try 2 help her,so why do you even bother 2 talk 2 her.there was nothing that could be said from ur current thoughts.u should have just left without saying a single things,a single word from you will just make her so fcuk up.but i noe its not ur fault,i convinced myself and knew it wasn't ur fault,it just that i chose 2 help her but u did not.me has nothing 2 say bout it.then even if A is wrong,that doesn't give de rights to let B say bout her,its lyk WTF!WTF!WTF!,B wasn't totally correct or something.U said bout A,wad about B,C,D,E,F,G....?they did nothing wrong?yes!maybe juz to you,but not to me.U chose your own way,so as me will oso chose,its all different.there's nothing realy left to be treasured.all i know is tat,ppl ain't de same.
posted by The bakery platform
[It's never good]
school-ed geo test&MT test[disaster] MAC with Shihwei,Jerralyn,Vivian&Guili
FCUK YOU!!!!!!; you cb(s),you wan find taiji is it.siao!you tink you hu ar,chao ah gua!My frend tio taiji,ur problem is it,no rite,thn?My frend wan do wad is her problem rite,why do you even give a damm bout it!F.Y.I;its their problem,not yours!STAY OUT OF IT MANX!ur cb&fcuk up face irritates me,Geddit?and....puhleez....DUN STEP;DUN ACT larh,its fuxxing annoying!Lastly,[juz srsly get out my life,FML]
there's nothing tat could be done,i knew that,it was all expected.i dun expect anyting to change,it juz can't be de same as how it use to be.I<3you,de only thing tat could be said or left behind,bye IS IT DE END?
posted by The bakery platform
 I love YOU & not YOU
aft disasterous 2hrs,went MAC wif Shihwei&Jerralyn ate&study,yay!lolx
eew!!disgusting! posted by The bakery platform
The happy moments;D
woke up tution-ed out 2 TMall for dinner shop-ed for shoes home-ed at 10+
CHAO AH GUA!; Do u even noe how much i hate you?all i want to tell you is that;ME hates you to de MAX!oh..pls remember that,ty.stop annoying others,me really pity those hu tio annoy-ed by YOU!srsly,PLS JUZ NOTE THAT!stop bio-ing guys larh,juz face de fact!(not gonna say much)....but if u wanna bio....go bah,bio all u wan,me will grant u ur wish and wish u goodlcuk de!OH man!its digusting;ur actions!
[MISERABLE] posted by The bakery platform
Everyone have a different story
short post; -English & Chinese paper1 It was a total disaster!EL;totally rushed de ending out,a superz sudden one! CL;pleasezz?i dun even noe wad i'm writing,how do you even expect me 2 pass?
To; chao ah gua!u are juz pathetically miserable,thr's no time for me to give a damm bout you,GET.LOST.MAN!
Whr de hell is happiness?everyone is different...everyone has a story behind.Give it a chance;D