Where the story starts ♥
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Today after sch me deah,conrad,dhiya n tim went 2 the library.Noah didn't came coz conrad said tat he went 2 catch tadpole.Can u believe tat,Noah ditch us 2 go catch tadpole.Then Deah sis came.She's nice but Deah didn't agree 2 it.Me n Deah ate Galilee speacial-its a spagati n caramel happy-it a ice blended coffee.Mmm..........it was so delicous...

Look Conrad looks engrossed in wat he's doin or readin...??????

When it was 4pm,Dhiya n Conrad were bout 2 leave.Conrad wore his army cap n Dhiya wanted 2 take it of tat means the hand was Dhiya's hand.....Hee!!!!Hee!!!

HAHAHA!!!A pic of me n Deah's sis.......
Anyway it was fun but Dhiya voice was a little bit 2 loud............