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posted by The bakery platform
EE................2day not so much time 2 post cos rushing with my maths project n got alot of hw.i got 1 maths practice paper,1 english practice paper,1 science practice paper,synthesis,chinese"zhi shi bao"n the maths project loh..Just not long end supp,then must rush hw,then hav 2 do father give the assment.........LYK NO HOLIDAY 111111........WAT THE.....rather go bak 2 sch,som more at sch can tok 2 frenzzzzz.Worst ting,,,,,at the last wk of the sooooo called holiday,there is wat sc enrichment class but at least can tok 2 frenzzzzz.Yah....Deah has change her template n install cbox but still refuse 2 tell me her blog add.ER................after the sooooo called sch holiday,i will b busying coping with my sch hw n assment,n must prepare a lot of tings,so duno if can still everyday post n update my blog.Right nw i'm still trying 2 understand tings bout blogs n put in lots of new tings.N hope u tag n link me b4 u leave.
posted by The bakery platform
HIP HIP HORAY!!!!!!!!!..........i went 2 ws 2day with my uncle n i beggg him 2 buy me the $24.90 bag that i saw with Deah at ws the day b4.N GUESS WAT...............he seriously bought that bag 4 me.YAH..........isn't that wonderful.N the best ting was that i noe how 2 download templates n put in cbox 2day.so nw see my blog so nic.i'm getting my pay 2day..........wo........
posted by The bakery platform
Just nw i go see doctor coz bout the mosqitoes bits .....the red red spots.........n the doctor say wat sensitive skin..FAKE SIA!!!!!!!ONLY TOKING RUBBISH********he lyk 2 tok rubbosh than b a rubbish collector la.............then can collect rubbish + tok rubbish.Isn't that better,killin 2 birds with 1 stone.see..........so chim right-----------cos i veri chim person 1 la,,,,,Just kidding don tak it 2 heart.But the doctor can really consider 2 b a rubbish collector.
posted by The bakery platform
Erm..............nothing much 2 tok bout 2day.Just woke up n started a new day n found out that i had red spots in my hands n legs n it was mosqitoes bites.Urgh...........watt the.
posted by The bakery platform
WOW...!HA HA HA,I WENT OUT WITH Deah 2day 2 ws.We bought lots of tings but 2 bad Hui Yi nver com.Deah brough a big earring that cost $1.20 n it is black,my was also black but mine was much more smaller n it only cost $0.60.I ate Mac 4 my lunch n it was delious.While walking Deah was so damm hungry that she was almost tempted by chicken wings,yummy donuts,bubble tea n chicken pie.N walking 2 eight percent,she had decided 2 buy a bag which cost $29.90 n i wanted 2 buy a small sling bag that cost $24.90 but i did not hav money so got 2 sav loh.The ting was that the small sling bag that i wanted,Deah also wants n the same colour,so coincident right.............while walkin out, we saw a store that sells ring n fre encraving, so me n Deah sav money 2 buy a $15 ring n ask the person 2 encrave our nam on it.While walkin by the bubble tea shop,reminds me of Fie n i seriously hope him 2 die.
posted by The bakery platform
Got msn account liao n nw toking 2 Deah
posted by The bakery platform
Actually J 2day also not so bad cos she help me n my cronic buy roti jala .But duno y she go n cut hair n seriously saying not so nice.n 2day i canna attack by Jere.How?Iwas walkin around the corner,when i found out the boys in front were lookin at the front girls but i did"t care,n when i turned Jere scare me,then everybody laugh.He damm watt right.................
posted by The bakery platform
EMO.................................................2day has bcame a emo..........day.Duno y lah n 2day my hand hurts like hell man .My cronic kept tinking of a dude n another cronic went 2 imgration 2 duno do wat,then nobody tok 2 me.I HATE THE LIFE.............SO............BORING.
posted by The bakery platform
hip hip horay!i ate roti jala 2day n i ate sakae sushi 4 dinner yesterday.yah its the last day of supp n i can enjoy my holiday.n i tink that Fieqri is so damm scare of Tim.oh my..........hui yi was toking happily like they r a pair.n the worst ting was that my cronic,Hui Yi has sided Conrad cos got 1 time Conrad was toking something bout me n i ask him wat he was toking bout n Hui Yi wanted 2 tell me but Conrad stop her n she really stop i ask her 2 tell she don wan then later than she tell me. N they were using the same brand of correction liquid.
posted by The bakery platform
Nothing much happened in sch 2day but Hui Yi kept saying vuglarities n freaky did not came 2 sch 2day saying wat got diarrio,vomit giddy all lying 1 sia cos i saw him at ws n he was buying bubble tea.he like worst than a pig n y don he rather b a pig.I hate him 2 the core n will always curse him 4 the whole life n although i kind of hate Shalyn but i sure pity her cos she's sittihg bside freako.Oh my god!Deah has lent her pen 2 ducky 2day,i can't believe that.N Conrad;s kind of getting along with Hui Yi after sitting with her like bout 2 days.N most amazing thing was that Jeanis n Shalyn fought n actually i'm kinda happy.N i think that F is losing all her frenz cos nobody bother bout her.N s IS TRYING 2 GET AWAY FROM F.Now i totally hate J cos her anyhow scold people one like she though she boss like that n nw i kinda of not hate Shalyn.N F always cling on Deah when she has no frenz but 2day she did not cling on Deah. |